Slash Your Rising Energy Bills Using Solar, Without Sacrificing Your Family's Comfort.

(Even If You Use a Lot of Power)

Fully Accredited:

Switch to Solar & Never Worry About Rising Energy Costs Again

Are You Opening Your Power Bill with One Eye, Worrying About What That Bottom Number Will Look Like?

If so, you’re not alone. Many families are reducing their usage to manage the increasing cost of powering their homes.

What does that mean for you? Perhaps your family shivers a little more in winter, hesitates before turning on the air con in summer, or even lets the pool stay dirty for longer. The result? A noticeable dip in your quality of life.

But what if we told you it doesn’t have to be this way?

What if you could actually lower your power bill without sacrificing any comfort? Better yet, what if you could help create a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable future for us all?

With Bluegum, you can enjoy the best of both worlds – affordable, sun-powered energy and uncompromised comfort for your family.

All while saving you money – lots of it!

What Other Local Home Owners Like You Say…

“They listened to what we wanted”

“We’d received quotes before, but none were tailored to us. We were conscious when cooking and hesitated to use the heater. Now, I no longer chase my wife around to turn the lights off, and we run the heater whenever we want. I would 110% recommend Bluegum to anyone considering Solar.”

Shaun Keenan
“I loved the expert knowledge and service”

“From the moment I picked up the phone to the completion of our solar installation (and other electrical needs) the team has been nothing short of superb. I loved the customer service. I was kept informed every step of the way. Just brilliant! Thanks, Josh, Chantel and the team!”

Helen Kroon
“Everything they did screamed quality”

“They were not the cheapest, but they were the best. They used solar panels, which were NOT made in China. And Austrian-made inverters. I’m a former cabling and comms regulatory executive (retired), and I could tell that they knew what they were doing and that they take quality very seriously.”

Steve Peterson
Gisborne South

Let Bluegum Simplify the “Solar Minefield” for You…

At Bluegum, We’re Not Just Electricians;
We’re Specialists Trained in Solar Energy Solutions.

There are so many untrained, unqualified voices in the market right now; it can be a real ‘minefield’ that it’s hard to know whom to trust.

What you really need is qualified consultants with local experience that can provide an end-to-end solution (not just a one size fits all solution).

Our expert team will provide you with tailor-made complete solutions to help you find the right Solar that perfectly suits your home’s unique requirements.

With Bluegum, it’s not just a solar panel installation; it’s an upgrade to a lifestyle powered by the sun.

Power Your Home with the Sun
Get Your FREE Solar Consultation Today

Bluegum Solar is For You If…

You’re over the cold calls and slimy sales tactics

Bluegum is different. Our first goal is to help you find the right solar, and then you can choose who you get to install it. Hopefully, that’s us ;).

Bluegum Electrical Solutions

You’re looking for local, personalised advice you can trust

Being local, we know what works for our area and how to make the most of the sun to keep you powered even when its winter.

You want quality products that are guaranteed to last

At Bluegum, we only recommend products we would put on our own homes. And we’re a picky bunch!

Here’s What You Get…

When You Book Your FREE Bluegum Solar Consultation

Onsite Consultation

(Valued at $250)

So we can discover your expectations and future plans to make sure we design a system that’s right for you.

Site Inspection

(Valued at $150)

To get the lay of the land, so we give the best recommendations to suit your property and make it look great!

Usage Review

(Valued at $100)

We look at how much power and when you use it, so we can design for winter months as well as summer.

Solar Pre-Approval

(Valued at $50)

We’ll confirm your export limit so we can design the best system to suit your needs.

Custom Designs

(Valued at $250)

We’ll custom design 3 options for you to suit your home and needs, to make sure we get the best result for you!

Proposal Review

(Valued at $50)

We’ll review the proposal and explain our recommendations to help you make an informed decision.

That’s over $1,000 in Value

Yours Absolutely FREE When You Book Your Consult Now

Solar Designed For YOU!

Getting You The BEST Solar Solution Includes Three Simple Steps!


Right Solution

We listen and work with you to find the RIGHT solution for your expectations, home and usage. Everyone is different.


Quality Products

Solar pays for itself. So we want you to have quality products that will preform well even on the bad days and last.


Expert Installation

We Install your solar the same way we would on our own home, with the highest attention to detail and quality.

What Is it Costing You
NOT Solar Powering Your home?

Raising Power Bills

How much MONEY are you sending to power companies for the energy you could have harnessed yourself from the sun? (We find most families slash their bills between 50 - 80%, some even get money back!)

Discomfort at Home

How many TIMES have you felt the need to adjust your home's temperature, only to hesitate, wondering what that comfort might cost you?

Wasting Time

How much TIME are you wasting avoiding using power-hungry appliances like the dryer or dishwasher due to fear of skyrocketing power bills?

When You Do “The Math”, This Can Equal Thousands of Dollars a Year!

Get Your FREE Solar Consultation Today!

Power Your Home With the Sun

And Get Over $1,000 in Solar Services Absolutely FREE

Our Story…

Our job is to help you find the RIGHT Solar for you; it's that simple.

At Bluegum, we’re a local family-owned business committed to helping our community save money and the environment. Our founders, Chantel and Josh, Gisborne Locals, are passionate about creating holistic solar solutions that work for you.

With an award-winning solar installation on their own home and an electric car in the driveway, they are the go-to experts for the all-electric future and getting powered by the sun.

Our team of friendly, knowledgeable technicians are always here to answer your questions and provide expert advice.

Will Solar Work For ME?

If you’ve made it this far, it’s safe to say you’re thinking about solar power. And we think that’s fantastic! But, we also understand you may have a few reservations – totally normal. So let’s look at some of the concerns I know you might have…

“Solar seems expensive. I’m not sure I can afford the upfront costs…”

I get it! Money doesn’t grow on trees, and we’re all trying to make smart choices with our hard-earned cash. But here’s a thought for you: if you do nothing, it’s likely nothing will change.

Just think about Sarah and David, a family from Macedon Ranges. They were sceptical at first but decided to go solar. Now they’re enjoying lower energy bills every month and are thrilled to see their investment pay off.

The longer you wait to get solar the more it’s going to cost you.

“Solar sounds complex. Isn’t it different from regular electricity?”

You bet it is but in the best way! Solar is like a 24/7, 365-day-a-year power plant right on your roof. But don’t worry; you don’t need a PhD in Physics to get it. We’re here to break down the jargon and guide you through it all. Plus, with support, holistic advice, and even a friendly chat available anytime, we’re way more than just a solar company.

“I’m not sure I want panels on my roof. Will my house look like a science experiment?”

Oh, we get it! You’ve put a lot of love into your home, and the last thing you want is for it to look like a spaceship. But consider this: solar panels can actually give your home a modern, forward-thinking look. And we promise to find the best fit that aligns with your home’s aesthetic.

“I’m not sure we get enough sunlight. Can solar even work for us?”

That little voice in your head might be saying, “We don’t get enough sun.” And to that, we say, “Thank you, little voice, but let’s consider the facts.” Solar panels work even on cloudy days and during winter months. We’ll help position them to get the most sunshine possible, no matter where you live.

At the end of the day, going solar is about more than just saving money. It’s about gaining energy independence, living sustainably, and embracing a brighter future. So, will solar work for you? We’re willing to bet the answer is a resounding YES. But let’s find out together, shall we?

Contact us today for a friendly, no-pressure chat about your solar options.

PLUS, You’ve Got Peace of Mind FREE
No-Obligation Consultation

Bluegum's not for everyone. If we're not the right fit for you, all good, your consultation is completely FREE and there's No Obligation. You can take the valuable information we give you after the consult, and we can part as friends!

This is a 100% Risk-Free decision for you!

Get Your FREE Solar Consultation Today

Power Your Home With the Sun And Get Over $1,000 in Solar Services Absolutely FREE